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2023-08-26 13:24 来源:学河网 点击:


Opportunity and Succe(提纲式作文)

提纲:1.Contingency (偶然性) of opportunity

2.Relationhip between opportunity and ucce

3.My view on opportunity






Opportunitie don’t come often. They come every once in a while. Very often, they come quietly and go by without being noticed. Therefore, it i adviable that you hould value and treat them care.

When an opportunity come , it bring a promie but never realize it on it own. If you want to achieve omething or intend to fulfil one of your ambition, you mut work hard, make effort and get prepared. Otherwie, you will take no advantage of opportunitie when they come to viit you.

The difference between a man who ucceed and one who doe not lie only in the way each treat opportunitie. The ucceful peron alway make adequate preparation to meet opportunitie a they duly arrive. The unucceful peron, on the other hand, work little and jut wait to ee pa by.

In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunitie for everyone in our ociety, but only thoe who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make ue of them to achieve purpoe.