The pat year have een the huge development of higher education in China and in contemporary ociety, it become a trend for univeritie to be ranked according to certai
n tandard each year.Meanwhile, an increaing number of people deem it rather convenient to acquire information about quality of ome univeritie.Searching the Internet, people can notice everal edition of rank very year.
A number of inpidual favor thi ranking becaue of it advantage.To begin with, without thee rank, it i impoible for people to make a direct comparion between different college.In addition, it i thi ranking that enable China to build up a ytem of aeing higher education and to enhance it overall development.Even o, other hold the oppoite view that univerity ranking carrie ome doubt.Firt, ranking all univeritie mean a great amount of time and human reource; however, the quality and authority i not a atifactory a expected.Second, what worrie many expert i that ome college may focu too much eyeight on ranking itelf, ignoring the need of tudent.By and large, the advantage derived the annual univerity ranking far outweigh the diadvantage.
An effective ranking will bring college motivation, aroue their enthuiam to trive, and help China to enhance higher education.However, it i adviable for thi ranking to be cientific, practical and impartial.
Now,it i generally acknowledged that competence i getting fiercer and fiercer. Therefore,going to a good univerity i the premie of getting a good job and wining inthe competitive ociety. A a reult, univerity ranking become much popularthan before. We can alo ee many ad on the internet which commend a pecialuniverity ranked firt. And univeritie try to make themelve bigger andtronger to get a better ranking.
Differentpeople have different opinion on univeritie ranking. The reaon why motpeople oppoe to it can be complicated. To tart with, univerity ranking makegood univeritie uperior but put the general univeritie into a worecondition. What’ more, it would do harm to the development of theuniveritie. The governmental ubidy i motly ued on uperior univeritie,while the infamou univeritie won’t get it. The lat but not the leat, theexcellent future of a tudent i not depended on the univerity, but to thetudent himelf .In a ene, univerity ranking i not meaningful.
Afar a I’m concerned, I don’t agree to it. Each univerity ha it own benefitand culture, o that we can’t evaluate a univerity imply by it ranking. Soit’ better to top ranking univerity.
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