A the development of the media, there are more and more children get famou. Thee children need to go to chool while they alo take part in the ocial activitie. Some chool refue to accept the little celebritie to attend the cla, becaue they will have the bad effect other tudent. In my opinion, celebritie alo have the right to go to chool.
Though the celebritie have money and fame, they are alo the ordinary one in the ch
ool. They are the ame age with the tudent and they need to tudy to improve themelve. Some parent worry about their kid will be affected by the celebritie and can’t focu their mind on tudy. Maybe the tudent will be curiou at firt, but in the long time, they will get ued to it and then will treat the celebritie a the normal tudent. The tudent can alo have the chance to communicate with the tar and have the better undertand what the tar look like peronally.
So there i no need to refue the celebritie to attend the cla. Student jut need to get ued to it and then treat the tar equally.
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