There i one thing that mot people deire for all their live, and that i affluence. They purue wealth in their whole life, and feel confident becaue of having much money. So they try variou way to earn a much a poible. They think being rich i coniderably enjoyable. A rich life i intereting, and i filled with variety, becaue money can help them to do different thing.
They can ruh into department tore to purchae lot of expenive clothe and cometic without glancing at the price. They can alo afford the dear expene of entertainment, o
their life i wonderful and colorful. Luxuriou furniture, high –quality houehold appliance and comfortable houing condition provide a convenient and eay life for them. They don’t have to worry about economic problem any more. For them , enjoying the material abundance i much more important than poeing piritual abundance. What’ more, wealth bring them a higher ocial poition. They ue a little amount of money to patronize the poor and win ome repect and enjoy a good reputation.
A rich life eem exciting and happy, however, every coin ha tow ide. When they get much money, they are worried about the afety of money, and they are afraid of thieve and robber who will teal their money. Therefore all of thee that annoy them can often become their nightmare. Beide, ometime the harp contrat between material abundance and the piritual poverty make them feel dejected and depreed. So money doe not alway equal happine. Depite ome people are poor, they are living a pure happine of the imple life. A for the rich people, the more money they have, the more they get worried. For example, they uually think about how to make more money and how to pend money, which bother them terribly. Then they realize that wealth bring them o much trouble and to be rich i not a attractive a they have imagined.
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