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2023-08-26 03:40 来源:学河网 点击:


Young Talent Go to Univerity

Every parent want their kid to be the talent, o that the kid are meant to be the ucceful people. The talented children are marter than the ordinary kid. They learn thing very fat and kip grade to learn more. Some even go to univerity at the very early age. It ha both good and bad ide.



On the one hand, a thee talented tudent are no longer atified with what they learn in their grade, it i good for them to receive higher education, o a to improve themelve. People are inpired to learn a much a poible, which make them mart and knowledgeable. The talented kid hould not wate their advantage.


On the other hand, when thee young talent go to univerity, it i a very new environment to them. They live with the adult, who are much older than them, the young talent urely will look different. The communication between them will be awkward.


In my opinion, going to univerity o early for the young kid i not a good thing, they need to communicate with the kid in their age. It i important to have a normal and happy childhood.
