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2023-08-26 02:55 来源:学河网 点击:


Protecting the Foret

Now in ome place of our country, a number of people have been cutting down the tree in the foret becaue they need wood and more farmland. The area of foret are getting maller and maller. Some cientit ay that there will be no vat foret in 20 or 30 year. It i really a terrible thing. Where the foret diappear, dut torm will occur occaionally. The weather will get hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big deert. A lot of plant and animal will diappear.Crop will not grow anywhere. Life will be difficult for everyone. The human being will be punihed for their foret-detroying activitie.


Therefore, we hould realize the importance of taking care of our foret. We hould do our bet to protect our living environment and keep our mountain green,the water clean, and the ky blue.



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