The pat year have witneed a mounting number of Chinee cholar returning from overea.
A i lively illutrated by the column chart, the number of returnee climbed from a mer
e 69.3 thouand in 2008 to over 272.9 thouand in 2012, at an annual increae rate of around 50%.
A multitude of factor may have led to the tendency revealed by the chart, but the following are the critical one from my perpective.
Firt and foremot, along with the development of Chinee economy and ociety, the number of Chinee tudying abroad ha been oaring in the pat year, which ha provided an expanding bae for the number of returnee.
In the econd place, the government ha enacted a erie of preferential policie to attract overea Chinee cholar back home.
Lat but not leat, the booming economy, cience and technology in thi country have generated more attative job opportunite for cholar returning from overea.
The wave of returnee will definitely contribute to thi nation development, ince they have brought back not only advanced cience and technology but alo pioneering concept of education and management.
With more cholar coming back from overea, and with the concerted effort of the whole nation, we have reaon to expect a fater rejuvenation of thi country.
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