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2023-08-25 18:49 来源:学河网 点击:


joey: chandler, you have to tart getting over her. all right, if you play, you get ome freh air, maybe itll take your mind off janice, and if you dont play, everyone will be mad at you caue the team wont be even. come on.

chandler: yeah, all right, ill play.

phoebe: yay!!


rachel: let do it! ro?

ro: what?

rachel: do you wanna play football?

ro: um, monica and i arent uppoed to play football.

joey: ay who? your mom?

monica and ro: yeah.

monica: well, every, every thankgiving um, we ued to have a touch football game called the "geller bowl".

chandler: no, no, no, you ay that proudly.

monica: anyway, ro and i were alway captain, and um, it got kindve competitive and one year, geller bowl vi, i accidentally broke ro noe.

ro: it wa o not an accident. he aw i wa about to tag her, o he threw her big fat grandma arm elbow right into my face. and jut keep running.

monica: to core the winning touchdown, by the way.

joey: what a matter, ro? what youre nervou about your peech?

ro: no! do you wanna hear it?

joey: am i in it?

ro: uh, huh. yeah, right after i thank everyone for giving money to the mueum, i ing a ong about the wonder that i joey.

phoebe: hello.

ro: hey!

joey: whoa!

ro: wow, hello! you look great!

phoebe: thank you! i know, though.

ro: you ee thi, thi i a peron who i ready to go. phoebe you, oh, you are my tar.

phoebe: ohh, well, youre my lucky penny .

chandler: all right, i took the quiz, and it turn out, i do put career before men. (to joey) get up.

joey: what?

chandler: youre in my eat.

joey: how i thi your eat?

chandler: caue i wa itting there.

joey: but then you left.

chandler: well, it not like i went to pain. i went to the bathroom , you knew i wa coming back.

joey: what the big deal , it omewhere ele.

chandler: the big deal i i wa itting there lat, o, that my eat.

joey: well, actually the lat place you were itting wa in there (point to the bathroom). oo...