Our chool paper i in great need of an Englih editor.
The editor' job mainly include two part. One i to chooe article which i uitable for the tudent from Englih paper, Englih magazine and the Intemet. The other i to elect and edit the article from tudent.
If you want to apply for the job you mut meet the following requirement. You hould be willing to give up ome of your pare time to erve the tudent. And you hould be go
od at Englih and art and be able to ue computer killfully.
Will anyone intereted in it pleae get in touch with the Student Union during thi week? Thank.
Our chool paper i tarving for an Englih editor.
A an Englih editor, you have two kind of thing to do. One thing i that you need to chooe article fit for the tudent from Englih paper,Englih magazine and the Intemet. The other thing that you hould do i to elect and edit the article from tudent.
If you get the job, you hould be willing to offer ome of you pare time to erve the tudent. And you hould be good at Englih and art and can operate computer killfully.
Will anyone intereted in the job pleae contact with the Student Union during thi week? Thank a lot.
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