The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of cooperation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Being patient enables us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. Those who have the patience to do little things perfectly and keep optimistic in desperate situations are more likel
y to recognize themselves profoundly, discover their shortcomings and space to make progress and thus eventually seize the opportunity. To further illustrate the importance of being patient, I would like to take Thomas Edison as a case in point: how could he, one of the greatest inventor throughout the history of mankind who experienced numerous unsuccessful attempts, invent the first electric lamp without patience and persistence ?
Accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of patience. Furthermore, when coming with setbacks and bottlenecks, instead of giving up easily, what we must do is to accumulate experience, enhance abilities and wait for the appearance of opportunities. “Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.” Friedrich Schiller, German dramatist and poet, also once said.
On the patient, I think people will learn to be patient as long as the Society has many, if a person will not have the patience, then he would come to naught, life can be seen that with patience, it would be happy, all the problems immediately.
In our daily life, we need patience in many ways. When our friend is down, we need patience to talk with him and cheer him up. When our students can#39;t work out a problem, the teacher needs patience to help them. When the children are naughty, their mother needs patience to tell them not to be naughty. When we write an article, we need patience to look for sources and think up good ideas. So patience plays an important part in our life. No one can live without it.
My mother was very patient: she was to help me with my homework, in the face of a point I always do my homework slowly is not annoying, but patiently to me: come on. She was doing the housework, housework is not idle, but patiently to continue to do the housework. Her students face doubts in the class, always patiently answer the students.
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