兼职 Part-time Job英语作文范文
兼职 Part-time Job英语作文范文
A a college tudent, I want to make money to earn my living, becaue I am not the mall kid any longer, I can work now. But I am a tudent, it i not poible for me to work all the time, o I can have a part-time job. Part-time job ha advantage and diadvantage for me.
On the one hand, if I find a part-time job, I can make ome money, o I can keep my end meet and relieve my parent’ burden. My parent have paid for all my thing, uch
a my education, my clothing and o on, all thee thing are great burden. So I find the part-time job to make my living, though not o much, for me, it i atifying.
While on the other hand, I have to make out my tudy time to do the part-time job. A a tudent, my firt job i to tudy, I mut tudy hard, my parent have paid a lot on my education. The part-time job will certainly ditract me at ome level, I need to pare ome time to do it.
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