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2023-08-26 19:33 来源:学河网 点击:


My college life




Everything eem freh to me when I entered the college.


My college life i entirely different from the the life in high chool.College life i an important tage in my life.

The campu looked very large and there were o many building. I wa very excited and curiou when the firt cla began. I have a great number of new choolmate who came from different part of the country. In the library, there were o many book and everal bright reading-room. I wa determined to tudy hard.

I lived at the dormitory, not at home, a did in high chool. The great difference, I feel, i that at college I hould tudy all by myelf.

It i in college that I began to live and tudy by myelf, even plan further for myelf. Meanwhile, in college I will change and become matured and fully grown up, both phyically and mentally

True friend




Friend play an important part in everyone’ life.

Some people make friend for their own benefit.

A friend in need i a friend in deed.

1)Friend influence your development, maturity and ene of reponibility.

2)Thee people are not reallyfriend. They only want to be your friend if it

i to their advantage. By thi time you hould know who are your true friend.

3)A true friend i eager to help you whenever neceary. You can conider yourelf very lucky if you have one true friend. You and your true friend have a good undertanding of each other