In recent year, the air- conditioner ha become one of the many indipenable electrical appliance for thouand upon thouand of familie, epecially thoe in the outh, where the intene heat overwhelm the earth throughout the ummer. The advantage of the air- conditioner are elf - evident. Armed with the ability to refrigerate, the air- conditioner make you feel refrehing and comfortable no matter how hot it i outide. Thu it guarantee the efficiency of your work and the quality of your ret. Without it there would be no knowing what would happen to you in the dog day. Moreover, it can alo create a proper condition in ummer for the operation of computer -- the bet friend o
f your in the information age. Too high a temperature would make computer work improperly, cauing much inconvenience for your daily life and work.
With all the advantage the air- conditioner offer, it diadvantage are alo obviou. To begin with, the intallment of the air - conditioneer alway involve the hole making in the wall, which undoubtedly make the wall le pleaing to the eye than if not. Beide, the air- conditioned environment may make you more and more dependent on the air - conditioner, thu phyically weakening your ability to cope with hot weather. Mot important, the air - conditioned environment provide oor ventilation, and ometime may even give rie to a trange kind of mell, which make you feel dizzy and ick. Conequently, you will be in no mood for enjoying the cool air produced by the air- conditioner.
All thing conidered, I think it advantage outweigh it diadvantage. Actually, nothing in the world i perfect. It i unwie to make light of the favorable apect of a thing on account of it unfavorable apect. The ame i true of the attitude you take toward the air - conditioner.
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