Some of college tudent do not think that ocial practice i important. Their view are the following. Firt, they conider their college tudy a the only mot important thing. Second,they regard ocial practice a wate of their time. Third, they argue that the ocial practice have been undertaken by cnllege tudent too uperficial, thu far from being valuable.
In fact, there are many advantage of ocial practice. Firt, we can apply the knowledge we have obtained from our textbook to the olution of practical problem. In doing o, we can get more knowledge about our ociety and our country. Second, we will take correct attitude toward our tudie rough ocial practice.
I believe that ocial practice hould become an organic component of chool education. The knowledge we obtain in cla i from the book and it i quite limited. So it i eential for u to participate in ocial practice in order to learn ome thing that we cannot get in cla.
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