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2023-08-26 11:36 来源:学河网 点击:


Botany, the tudy of plant, occupie a peculiar poition in the hitory of human knowledge. For many thouand of year it wa the one field of awarene about which human had anything more than the vaguet of inight. It i impoible to know today jut what our Stone Age ancetor knew about plant, but form what we can oberve of pre- indutrial ocietie that till exit a detailed learning of plant and their propertie mut be extremely ancient. Thi i logical. Plant are the bai of the food pyramid for all living thing even for other plant. They have alway been enormouly important to the welfare of people not only for food, but alo for clothing, weapon, tool, dye, medicine, helter, and a great many other purpoe. Tribe living today in the jungle of the Amazon recognize literally hundred of plant and know many propertie of each. To them, botany, a uch, ha no


name and i probably not even recognized a a pecial branch of "knowledge" at all.

Unfortunately, the more indutrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plant, and the le ditinct our knowledge of botany grow. Yet everyone come unconciouly on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a roe, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic ancetor, living in the Middle Eat about 10,000 year ago, dicovered that certain grae could be harveted and their eed planted for richer yield the next eaon the firt great tep in a new aociation of plant and human wa taken. Grain were dicovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crop. From then on, human would increaingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plant, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varietie that grew wild- and the accumulated knowledge of ten of thouand of year of experience and intimacy with plant in the wild would begin to fade away.