Part V Writing
Direction: In thi ection you are required to write a compoition on the topic “Reduce Wate on Campu”. You hould write at leat 150 word and bae your compoition on the outline given in Chinee below:
1. 目前有些校园内浪费现象严重;
2. 浪费的危害;
3. 从我做起,杜绝浪费。
Reduce Wate on Campu
A i known to all, wate on campu ha become a more and more eriou problem. We can eaily ee many tudent dump a lot of food in the garbage can. Some tudent pend thouand of yuan buying fahionable clothe and o on.
The negative effect of wate can be hown in the following apect. In the firt place, it make ome tudent dependent on their parent for money, which i harmful to their development. If they don’t learn to upport themelve, they will be “uele people” when they graduate. In the econd place, it i not eay for our parent to arrange for our chooling. Lat but not the leat important, there i no denying the fact that our country i till poor. There are many people who cannot go to univerity and many poor people till need our help.
A far a I am concerned, I hould et a good example to reduce wate on campu. Firt of all, I will refrain from wating anything, from food to tationery. What’ more, I’m determined to call on more choolmate to fight againt wate. Only through thee meaure can we hope to reduce wate on campu. (196 word)
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