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2023-08-26 09:47 来源:学河网 点击:



When famou people give their opinion, many people liten. Should we pay attention to thoe remark?

When Tom Cruie once appeared in a TV program, he wa too excited o he jumped up and down the couch. Later “jump the couch” wa adopted in the American dictionary for lang. Thi i a bit exaggerating, but it definitely reflect the fact that when famou people give their opinion, many people liten. But, hould we pay attention to thee re


mark or action?

Firtly, famou people are “famou”, for they have one or few apect that exceed common people. Like Albert Eintein once aid, “I think and think for month, for year, ninety-nine time the concluion fale, but the hundredth time I am right.” A a brilliant cientit, he peak of the right attitude toward cience and inpire countle people to fight for the truth. Hollywood actor or actree, they may talk about their dreing tyle or kin care on magazine. Thee are all advice that we might a well take, for real life i not jut eriou academic thing but alo the atifaction of living.

原文 GRE作文范文:名人效应该不该盲从(二)

But the point i that, celebritie are not perfect role model for the public. Once I heard a tory about Eintein, aying that he nearly got into the water when he once haraed a young lady and got refued when they were in a boat in a park. I Eintein evil omehow? No! He’ jut being human. Then i it wrong to hara ladie? Ye. But all human make mitake. Celebritie are expert in certain area but not all. In ome other field, they hould even learn from u.

Generally, there are two extreme when talking about celebritie: the public are either too critical or too upertitiou. Objectively, both of the attitude are unneceary. A a Chinee aying which generalize thi ituation the bet goe: to take in the good, while to get rid of the bad.