How to Ban Drunken Driving?
Drunken driving cae have been increaing and have caued numerou death. Some people ugget drunken driving hould be made into a felony while other think that tough penaltie may not have much effect on road afety. My view i jut a follow.
A we all know, it i very dangerou to drive while one i drunk. Therefore, driver hould
n't drive after drinking in order to protect other' life a well a their own. So far, the preent Road traffic Safety Law eem to how too much mercy to drunken driver even though they have caued much trouble to the ociety. A more evere punihment hould be given to thoe who drive after they have drunk, epecially to thoe who are drunk and have caued eriou injurie or death while driving.
In order to crack down drunken driving, the government hould introduce a more evere law. Beide, more meaure hould be taken to cultivate the driver' awarene of traffic law and repect other' live a well a their own when they are driving on the road, which I think hould be the key to decreae drunken driving cae.
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