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2023-08-26 07:57 来源:学河网 点击:



In thi holiday l wa very happy.Why? Becaue my famliy go to Beijing.We aw Tiananmen.The ky wa blue ,Tiananmen wa red and yello.It i very nice.Then I played with my mother and father in Xianghan.In the afteroon we went to Yuanmingyuan.

Look at Yuangmingyuan, I wa very ad.In the evering we ate ome litto food.

Beijing wa very big.I love it very much.



January 1t i conidered a the New Year' Day.mot companie,hop,chool,and government office are cloed during that time.People prepare for New Year' Dayfrom late December.Firt,people pend a few day to clean their houe completely.Some familie then put up ome new painting from November to be ent in January.

The New Year' meal i alo prepared from the end of ecember.During the New Year' Day,people uually do not cook and relax at home. On New Year' Eve,it i common to have a bag dinner with family member or friend at home or in hotel and hear bell which inform u of the coming New Year.New Year' Day i one of important day for many people in the word during the year.

Mot people pend the New Year'Day in hotel.On New Year' Day,people fiet greet each other. Some people wear new coat and viit temple to pray for happine and health theoughout the New Year.Children are buy with getting the gift from their parent and relative.


Let' prevent H1N1 from happening to uDuring the lat few month,H1N1 ful ha et off acro the whole world.If we have the right way to prevent it ,it won't care.Here are ome uggetion for you:Firt of all,you hould cover your mouth with a napkin whtn you cough re neeze,Next you'd better tay away from the public place if poible, if you have to,pleae wear a mak.Wah your hand carefully before meal and alway keep your window open o that the air will be freh.At lat,try to do more exciice to make your body trong o that you can tay in health.I think thi i the mot important.