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2023-08-26 06:42 来源:学河网 点击:



Part V Writing

Direction: In thi ection you are required to write a letter in reply to a friend’ inquiry about applying for admiion to your college or univerity. You hould write at leat 120 word and bae your compoition on the outline given in Chinee below:





A Letter of Reply to a Friend

December 27, 2003


When it come to which major you hould chooe, I propoe that you apply for the major of Englih. To begin with, Englih i the mot popular language in the world, which i widely ued in all field uch a teaching, tranlation, foreign trade and o on. What’ more, it goe without aying that Englih major are more likely to find a good job in the tighter and tighter job market.

In order to tudy at Englih Department, you have to meet the following requirement. In the firt place, you have to pend a lot of time on it, jut a the old aying goe, “Practice make perfect”. In the econd place, the baic kill of reading, writing, litening and peaking are neceary, becaue they are the foundation for your future tudy. Lat but not the leat important, you need an intene interet in learning Englih ince “interet i the bet teacher.”

A far a the preparation work i concerned, you hould firt of all review all the required vocabulary. In addition, you’d better pend ome time on reading and writing. Only through thee meaure can you hope to enroll in our univerity. (193 word)

