With the development of indutry, water pollution i becoming more eriou now. The polluted water not only kill fih, it i alo harmful to our health. Many people get ick becaue they drink the polluted water. In ome river the water i o dirty that they can even kill plant.
We hould fight againt the pollution. We hould top uing harmful thing. I wih it i not a dream that in the near future we can have clean river again.
Nowaday, people' life ha changed a lot with the development of modern technology and economy, which ha put lot of negative effect on the environment.
Why thi? Becaue, firtly, ome factorie are pouring wate into river, lake, ea and o forth; econdly, becaue of human activitie, a great number of plant and animal are loing their live; thirdly, uing modern machine and chemical i bad for the environment. Beide thee, there are a lot of human activitie which have done or are doing harm to our urrounding.
For thi, I think, firt, our government hould make dratic meaure to regulate human activitie; econd, we human being hould take pain-taking work to top ourelve detroying the environment and try our bet to protect our living pace more.
Our country ha a large area of foret. However, not until recently did the government begin to realize the importance of protecting the foret. A we may know from variou ource, the government recently adopted a policy called "retore the farmland to the foret"(退耕还林).Thi ha brought much hope to the foret of our country a well a the utainable development of our country.
When we read newpaper, we often come acro the word pollution. Thi word wa not familiar to the people ome decade ago. But now, it i a eriou threat to u becaue. it mean the poioning of the air, ea, river and land, which would do harm to our health.
There are many factorie that bring pollution to u. We can not have freh air in the morning. Thi i mainly becaue of the poionou moke coming from factorie, epecially chemical one. In river, ea and ocean, there are indutrial wate. Some factorie jut throw their wate into ea or let them flow into river. When people drink the water from uch river, they get poioned. Beide, there i rubbih from hip and when ometime an accident occur in an ocean, oil flow out from tanker.
On land, the accumulation of rubbih in the treet may dirty the city and ruin our health. Thi i mainly due to the improper dipoal of rubbih by people.
If we do mot fight againt pollution, urely one day all of u will be killed. Some people like to put the blame on the indutrial revolution. On the contrary, the pollution problem will be olved only with the help of modem cience and technology.
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