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2023-08-12 00:43 来源:学河网 点击:




I love my mother very much. when I ee her doing houework I often come to help her.

One day, my mother wa ill and my father wa out. So I had to look after my mother and do houework by myelf.


Although I wa not good at doing that thing, I till tried my bet to do everything. After a day of work,I wa very tired.

But I wa very happy. It wa not only becaue I wa no longer a child, but I known I could help my mother a well.

From then on, I often help my mother. Now, I can help my mother clean the room, wah the clothe, put away the clothe. cook dinner, wah the dihe.


In my mind, everyone hall have hi own dream. I think that having a dream mean that we have an idea, and then we will do all the thing to achieve the target.

A long a we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at leat.

My dream i to become a ucceful tateman, helping thoe people who need help with their right.

Of coure, to be a good tateman i very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone atified. That' my dream.

I want to try my bet to help the poor ick people of our country. China i a developing country which need good tateman,epecially in the countryide and ditant village.

Now I’m a junior tudent on Grade One, My dream i alo that although at preent I’m good at tudy, I’ll till try my bet to be the tudy winner.

Now everything I do i cloe to my dream. I feel life i fill with hope and i colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.


Hobbie are activitie in which people participate for amuement. A hobby can be almot anything. Muic, port, collecting tamp, cooking, keeping pet are enjoyed by million of people. Regardle of hi age, poition or income anyone may follow a atifactory hobby. It goe without aying (不言而喻) that hobbie add fullne to life.

Thoe with facinating hobbie need not worry about what to do with their newly found leiure hour. Every hobbyit may tell ome unforgettable and rewarding experience. Rare object collector could find value in collection that go a half tep beyond the conventional. A ound hobby can help you develop a certain kill. You may tart a an outider and end a an expert.

People take up hobbie becaue thee activitie offer knowledge and relaxation. Turning dull moment into delightful one, hobbie can let out emotion, reduce tenion. By lipping into a fantay world hobbyit avoid trouble around them. Therefore, they uually keep a healthy mind and a unny character. In a ene a hobby i more like a pecial lifetime companion. Hobbie paint daily life colourful.