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2023-07-22 01:20 来源:学河网 点击:


英语作文Plant More Tree 多种树

There i no denying that tree not only play a magnificent role in keeping ecology in balance, but alo provide people with variou reource.

To begin with, tree produce oxygen and aborb carbon dioxide, which offer u freh air. A greenhoue effect i getting more and more eriou, planting more tree i an effective way to repond to it.

Apart from thi, it i tree that tabilize oil and prevent them from being eroded by floo


d. Beide, tree can be applied to againt deert. Moreover, tree perform the function of the regulation of air temperature and humidity. Thi benefit to people’ fitting to the environment.

Lat but not leat, tree are a kind of material of paper making, which make our life and communication between people more convenient.

From what ha been mentioned above, we can get the concluion that tree improve both our environment and life, it i neceary for u to plant more tree.

英语作文与污染作斗争 Fight againt pollution

Do Something to Fight againt Pollution

Pollution i becoming more and more eriou. I.ook at the batterie all around u. We all know that ued batterie are bad for environment. We houldn't throw them away. We hould recycle them. Look at the platic bag all around u. We all know platic bag never rot. When we do hopping, we can ue paper bag to tore good intead of platic bag.

A a matter of fact, we can do a lot to prevent the pollution.Let' do omething to bring pollution under control.




英语作文私家车 Private Car

Nowaday more and more familie own private car. Private car, a the product of modem civilization, have been playing a vital role in people' daily activitie. Firt, private car are a convenient mean of tranportation. You can go wherever you like. Secondly, there i no doubt that private car will have a great impact on the economic growth. The rapid car indutry growth will contribute much to keeping the country' economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue.

But every coin ha two ide. The development of the private car will bring about a erie of problem. For example, the polluted air given off by car will do great harm to our health, too many private car will lead to traffic jam and a great deal of energy will be wated and o on.

So I think we hould take advantage of private car and make them erve u better. Meantime we hope that atifactory olution to thee negative problem will be found oon.




高考英语作文:光盘行动 Dic operation




At 4 pm on March 4th, Monday, 2013, in front of the Student Canteen, more than 900 teacher and tudent participated in the activity with the theme “Fight againt wating but encourage to eat up everything on your plate” organized by the Student’ Union. Firt, we aw picture on the board which had recorded the terrible phenomena of wating in the campu. After that, we watched video clip, from which we have learned that every year about 10 million people are dying of food hortage. Therefore, if we reduce food wate by 5% every day, we can ave 4 million live. And then everybody igned up to how our determination o a to cultivate our good habit, ave food and refue wate.


英语作文渡渡鸟 Dodo

The dodo only lived on a mall iland in the Indian Ocean centurie ago. When Portuguee ailor got there in the 16th century, they killed a great many dodo eaily for food. By 1681,the dodo diappeared completely. A we all know, animal are our friend and we hould live in harmony with them. However. the greed and elfih people are trying to detroy their peaceful life. Some people cut too many tree , detroying ome animal’ home. Some people kill them for food. Moreover, ome people kill them jut for fur and kin. I do hope that the government can take more meaure to protect them a oon a poible. Law mut be made to prevent people from detroying the foret .Whoever kill wildlife hould be punihed. What’ more ,all of u hould be aware of the importance of protecting wildlife. It i very important for u to make friend with wild animal and protect them well, becaue to protect wildlife i to protect ourelve.


英语作文Saving Our City 保护我们的城市

It i very important to deal with the rubbih in citie. Rubbih mut be thrown away or reued properly. Or it may caue a lot of problem. It may pollute the air and water. People may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water.

Our city ha tarted to face the problem. Some rubbih i orted and ent to a certain place .Wate ga i cleaned before it goe into the air. Wate water i alo cleaned before it i poured into river.

People hould be prevented from throwing rubbih everywhere. We hould try our bet to take care of our environment and fight againt pollution.


