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2023-07-22 01:06 来源:学河网 点击:


对父母坦诚 Be Honet to Parent

I am o afraid of the exam, becaue I want to be No.1 all the time, I jut want my parent to be happy. Every time when I get the high mark, I will how it to my parent and they will be very happy and proud of me. But thi time, I don’t do well in the exam, I am o carele, I am afraid that my parent will let down, I am not going to tell them the reult. When I go home, my mother look at me and I don’t eem to be happy. I ruh to my room, then my mother ak me what happened, I decide to be honet and tell her the exam. She mile and tell me that he doen’t care my reult, he i till proud of me, he believe me can do well next time. I am o happy to be honet to my parent.



回到过去 Back To the Pat

Two year ago, the drama about going back to the dynaty wa very popular, people liked to ee uch TV erie o much, they thought went to the pat made them a hero and they could become the hining tar. It eem that back to the pat i everyone’ dream, while for me, I’d rather tay in thi moment, I don’t want to go back. Comparing with the younger me, I like who I am now, though I am not young anymore, I have widom and experience at thi moment. Time endow me with maturene, I witne o many thing, I am not innocent any more, I am a better peron. I am o atified with myelf now, I cherih what I have and am o thankful to life. Looking forward to the future and opening the new chapter of my life are the main thing for me to do.


我的旅游梦 My Dream to Travel

I have learned Englih for many year, a I learn more knowledge about the Englih, I become more and more paionate to have a look at the world. When I wa mall, I knew nothing about the world, I believe the place I lived around wa the whole world, then I came to middle chool, I realized the world become more and more bigger, but how big it wa, I had no idea. A I came to high chool, I learn more about the world, There are all kind of culture in wetern countrie. I am o intereted in the culture, I want to go to thee place and talk to the local people. Thi i my dream, I believe I can realize my dream, ince the traffic i o convenient. I mut tudy hard and earn money, o I can make my dream come true.


如何使用红包 How to Ue the Lucky Money

The Spring Fetival i a big day, becaue people can have a chance to tay with their familie, while for the kid, they like that day o much becaue of the lucky money. I can get a lot of lucky money from my relative, my parent alway advie me to keep the lucky money, but I am o unwilling to do it, I want to buy the thing I want. My friend told me that he had aved ome money, I wa o atonihed, o from thi year, I want to ave ome money. I plan to divide my lucky money into two part, one i for me to buy the thing I want, the other i for me to ave, o that I can have money all the time. Now I have learned to deal with my money, I am no longer wate money, I am o proud of myelf.


如何利用课余时间 How to Spend the Part time

Studying at chool occupie tudent a lot of time, o tudent have le part time, when the holiday come, they feel o excited and don’t want to tudy, jut leep and play with their friend all the time. Student can pend their part time happily, at the ame time, they can learn thing, too. Student can conider to watch movie, I think they like to watch movie of coure, becaue movie i o funny, watching movie i like tudying Englih, what’ more important i that they can learn the countrie’ culture, the movie alway reflect the countrie’ culture. Student can alo go to the mueum, they can viit the mueum, learning the hitory, they ee the real material, it i much lively than the book. The part time i very preciou for tudent, they can play with fun and learn thing at the ame time.


美丽的回忆 Beautiful Memory

When I wa mall, I lived in my hometown, it i a mall village, but the cenery i o beautiful, the tree are o green and the water i o clean. But when I went to primary chool, I moved to the city with my parent, I mied the time in my hometown o much. When I wa in my hometown, I woke up early in the morning, ome people took a walk and ome were doing their farm work. I would alway go to the mountain with my grandma, we took care of the fruit tree. The little dog would come with me, when my grandma wa doing her work, I played with the dog, how happy I wa. Sometime I would go to the river with my friend to catch the fih, I aw the fih clearly. Thee are beautiful memory for me, I keep it all the time.
