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2023-07-21 20:12 来源:学河网 点击:




Direction: Write a compoition entitled Telling Lie. You hould write at leat 120 word according to the outline given below in Chinee:

1. 人们对说谎通常的看法;

2. 是否说谎都是有害的?说明你的看法。


3. 总结全文。



Telling Lie

Telling lie i uually looked upon a an evil, becaue ome people try to get benefit from dihonet mean or try to conceal their fault.

However,_I_thinkdepitejit_neg1ative_effect,jometime_itjijeentialto iemiginour_dailylifei Firt, the liar may benefit from the lie by ecaping from the preure of unneceary embarrament. Meanwhile, the litener may alo feel more comfortable by reaonable excue. For example, if a little girl’ father died in an accident, her mother would comfort her by aying “farther ha gone to another beautiful land”. In uch cae, a lie with original goodwill can make the cruel nice. Second^thejk^ljofJtellingJlie^jtojome extent,canbe_regard_aja_capacity_ofcreationandjimagination.

Therefore,jtakingjallJthee_factor^jntojconideration,_wecandefinitely come to the concluion that whether telling a lie i harmful depend on it original intention and the ultimate reult it bring. (159 word)


look upon a把 看作是

evil adj.坏的,使人不舒服的

conceal v.隐藏

fault n.缺陷,过失

eential adj.必不可少的,本质的

benefit from...从 中受益

embarrament n.难堪,尴尬

goodwill n.善意,友善

cruel adj.残酷?的,使人痛苦的

to ome extent在某种程度上

take…into conideration 考虑到,顾及

come to the concluion 得出结论

harmful adj.有害的

original intention 原意

ultimate adj.最终的,根本的



Student Invetor in the Stock Market





Student Invetor ID the Stock Market

China’ tock market i luring tudent looking to ec how their textbook teaching fare in real life. While there arc no concrete data on the tudent- invetor, buine profeor ay tbe market boom ha booted the number of tudent looking to play around with tock. They invet in the tock market with money from parent and ometime with amount equal to everal time their annual tuition.

Some people are alarmed at the trend. A inveting in the tock market involve many rik, they ay,college tudent are very likely to loe, which may put tudent' &miiy aet at rik. However, ome are upportive. A more and more tudent become barebolder, they will help raie tie general quality of hareholder and there will be more rational tock buyer in ecuritie market, which i actually a good thing.

In my view, college tudent may give tock invetment a try if poible. Stock invetment may be a way to make fat money and help finance tudent* chooling. Even if the tudent are likely to loe in the tock market, it may till bring about valuable invetment experience — they can、learn if they don’t tiy.



Should People Play Game While od Duty?


1. 有人认为这很正常

2. 也有人反对这种做法

3. 我的看法


Should People Play Game While on Duty?

Should people play game white they are working? People*.attitude toward it vary greatly. Some people regard it a a common phenomenon in office nowaday. They think playing game i a good way to kill liie boring time. At the ame time, it can make them relaxed, which, in turn, can help them do their job efficiently*

However, ome people have the oppoite opinion. They think companie hould prohibit their employee from playing game. They raaintain that playing game at work i an irreponible behavior and a wrong working attitude which can exert a bad influence on their colleague. Moreover, many eriou mitake are often made when people piay game during tbeir working time, becaue playing game ditract people' attention.

In my view, people &outdi^t play game while on duty. Oa the one hand, pi ay mg game can occupy ome of their time wbicb can be ued to do omething more important and meaningful, uch a the further tudy of their working field and the improving of their working kill. On the other hand, playing online game take up a lot of corporate network reource which may interfere with other colleague work.



Working from Home





Working from Home

Certain companie, epecially ome mall-cale buinee, tart to encourage their iaff to work from home or ue home a £t working bae for at leat part of the week nowaday. Some offer ome form of remote working upport to their workforce, uch a equipping them with laptop and intalling broadband, and other pay for the telephone bill for thee worker.

Thi worJc pattern i popular becaue it’ clear that there are a number of benefit for thee companie. Firt, it help retain employee, epecially highly- qualified working parent with childcare reponibilitie. Second, it bring higher productivity becaue the employee have fewer interruption and le commutiBg time. Lat but not fea^ it offer aving on premie and other facilitie.

However, there are ome potential drawback. For one thing, there i difficulty of managing home worker and monitoring their performancej and difficulty of maintaining taff development and upgrading kill. For another, it may create a ene of iolation among home worker and it can be harder to maintain team pirit. Therefore, enterprie hould weigh the pro and con before permitting their employee to work at home.




1. 近年来国学变得越来越流行

2. 出现这种现象的原因

3. 我对这种现象的看法



In recent year, Sinology, the tudy of Chinee traditional culture, literature, hitory, ociety etc*, ha become increaingly popular* For intance, it i reported that many primary and econdary chool have et up coure of inology, in which tudent are taught claical work by Chinee ancient educator and philoopher, like Confuciu- Another good illutration i in the program CCTV Lecture Room famou cholar, e.g, Yu Dan, give lecture on Chinee ancient philoophie and literature*

Sinology become prevalent due to the fact that it i of vital ignificance for both the individual and the ociety. For one thing, Sinology i the eence of Chinee civilization with more than 5,000 year. Thu, for individual, they can enlarge their cope of knowledge, enrich their experience and adapt themelve to the complicated ociety. For another, it i acknowledged that the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to the etablihment of a harmoniou ociety.

In my opinion, all Chinee people hould inherit the merit of Sinology. To do o, we can read book by ourelve or to attend lecture on thi iue. Beide, we have the obUgation to popularize introducing it to the world* By doing o, we can not only inherit it but alo make it gloriou and properou.



Should College Student Hire Cleaner?


1. 有人对这一做法表示赞成

2. 有人则表示反对

3. 我认为…


Should College Student Hire Cleaner?

That ome college tudent at a local univerity hired a cleaner to do laundiy and cleaning once a week ha led to a heated debate. Some people advocate and upport the practice. They mamtain that hiring cleaner to keep the dorm clean can help tudent ave time, which they can pend on their tudie.

Other, however, argue that hiring cleaner could help tudent ave time and devote to their tudie i merely a pretext* Typically, college education i not dominated by heavy load of courework and college tudent have ample time to manage their own afeir apart &om tudie. Uually, thoe tudent who claim they are too buy to clean their own dorm are mot often found preoccupied with playing computer game or hopping. They refue to do manual labor becaue they tend to regard themelve a elite once they ucceed in entering a college.

Peronally, I think college tudent houldn't hire cleaner. In performing the cleaning himelf/herelft a college tudent learn to hare the reponibility for managing a public pace of which one i a part. And by doing o, the tudent alo how repect for the common welfare of the entire dorm- Cleaning one' own dorm i a mall but neceary proce whereby one become a reponible peron.