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2023-07-21 20:01 来源:学河网 点击:


1 Unity 团结

The cartoon aim at informing u of the ignificance of unity. Definitely, No one can deny the importance of unity. Unity enable people to achieve their objective more moothly and rapidly. By uniting, people are more likely to reduce unneceary conflict and friction, take full advantage of each other’ trength and thu eventually defeat thoe eemingly invincible hardhip and challenge. To further demontrate the importance of unity, I would like to take the Chinee Communit Party a a cae in point: how could he achieve the victory of the Anti-Japanee War if he failed to unite Chinee people of all ethnic group?


From my perpective, at no time hould we underetimate the power of unity. What’ more, we hould foter the concioune of unity and alway bear in mind that it i unity, intead of inpidual’ capability, that the achievement of any coure depend on. “United we tand, pided we fall.” The U.S. preident John Adam alo once aid.



2 Repect the Old 尊敬老人

One of the main baic principle that all the religiou and tradition obey i to repect the old. In my opinion, the old have made contribution to our ociety when they are young, o it i reaonable for them to get the world’ honor.


Firt, repecting the old i our country’ tradition. China ha more than five thouand year’ hitory, our culture i pere and profound, the merit uch a loving peace and repecting the old have been inherited, and the generation keep thee merit all the time. Thee tradition make people being a warm-hearted guy, o we can live in a harmoniou world. We hould carry on the behavior of repecting the old, let the world be full of love.


Second, we have inherited the world from our ancetor, If not for the hard work and contribution they have done for u, we can’t enjoy the comfortable moment and live a happy live. Before we were born, ome of the old people fought in war for the freedom, in cae the next generation till being lave, they acrificed their comfortable live. So we hould how our repect to the old, they deerve it.


In concluion, the old deerve people repecting them, what they acrifice for the world will be remembered. We hould be thankful for what they did.


3 学习英语的一些目的 Some purpoe of learning Englih

writing eem nmch le important than reading. ome will write report in englih but few need englih to write letter. peaking i the leat needed.


only a mall fraction of tudent want to talk to englih-peaking viitor and to attend enfinar, which uually require peaking ability. none of them will give lecture in englih.


baed on thee urvey,i think the main attention of teaching englih hould be paid to reading comprehenion. report writing and letter writing hould be taught epecially to thoe who would mot likely write report or letter later in their career.


4 物物交换 Object exchange











Title: Want a econd-hand bicycle? Here it i!



Since I am going to graduate, the bicycle that I have ridden for three year i of no ue any more. So I want to exchange it with whoever need it.


The bike i in plain black and eay to ride. Though it’ deigned for racing, you can ue it for everyday life a well. With a lock behind the eat, it can be locked anywhere you like, removing the trouble of parking. Old a it, the bike function well. And I’m ure you will love it at the firt ight.


If you have a MP4 player and don’t want to keep it, you can exchange it with me. Anyone who ha the intention pleae leave a meage here, and I will contact you later.




5 It' Important to Learn Englih 学习英语的重要性

Englih i widely ued throughout the world. So many people peak it a a econd language. On line, you'll find lot of information in Englih. If you don't undertand Englih, how can you know more about the world, how can you get more knowledge. At international conference, Englih i alo ued a the official language. Without good Englih, you cannot expre your idea well at uch conference, neither can you introduce China to the outide world.


6 Help 帮助

Your enthuiam,your both hand, can help other;Your incerity,your mile,can move other;Your compliment,your bleing,can reciprocate other.Thi,are all what you hould do.Becaue you are accepting other'help all the time,you hould reciprocate them.No matter the friend or enemy, no matter the one that i familiar w-ith or trange one,whether he i a rich man or beggar.Help to be not to chooe the target,chooe time,chooe the place.Go,make other warm with heart of you ,go,help other with hand of you,go,peruade omeone ele with your action.Thi i what you hould do.You hould learn to pay,learn help,learn to preent.So long a everybody can do o both,thi world will be a cradle that i full of loving,the earth i that one i full of warm collective!
