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2023-07-21 19:14 来源:学河网 点击:


我理想的事业 The Career I Purue

Direction: For thi part, you are allowed thirty minute to write a compoition on the topic The Career I Purue. You hould write no le than 120 word and you hould bae your compoition on the outline (given in Chinee ) below:




Remember to write your compoition coherently and neatly.

我理想的事业(The Career I Purue)

A they differ in their interet, abilitie and objective in life, different people purue different career. Some love to be doctor, while other prefer to be cientit. Some like to be worker, wherea other chooe to be technician. My ideal career, however, i teaching. The reaon are a follow.


Firt, I can enjoy much freedom in my work. I will not frequently be told what to do and how to do it. The content of my leon and the way I give them are largely determined by myelf, which will leave more room for my imagination and creativity. In addition, I can alway tay young mentally. Being with the young people mot of the time, I will be influenced by their idea and lifetyle. I will then, feel that I am alway in fahion. Furthermore, I will have two long vacation and much flexible time in which I can enjoy doing what I like to do.


But teaching i alo a demanding career, epecially in a ociety a our in which new thing and knowledge come in multitude. Therefore, I have to read a much a poible to acquire the knowledge needed for my work.


learning Englih 学习英语

Englih i one of my bet ubject and I tarted learning Englih when I wa ten year old. But at the very beginning,litening eemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of litening practice,uch a litening to tape,watching Englih TV program. And I found it really helpful. In fact,there are ome more helpful way to learn Englih well. For example,I enjoy inging Englih ong and I want to join an Englih club or find a pen pal from Englih-peaking countrie. I believe that nothing i impoible if you put your heart into it。


微博 Microblog

Nowaday, microblog ha been a common communicatingtool in our live and it can be noticed in mot place. Microblog provide manyconvenience for u while it alo bring ome bad effect.


For one thing, microblog ha ome advantage in manyapect. Firt, it provide a convenient and quick way for u to gain moreinformation. Through microblog, we can be eaier and quicker to know whathappen in our urrounding. Second, it’ a fater way to expre our feelingand hare our experience everywhere. Finally, microblog i a good way toexpand or widen our thought. We can learn much knowledge in different apectby microblog and improve ourelve to a large extent. And we can pay attentionto different people and learn different experience from them.


However, microblog ha alo caued ome bad effect.For example, ome tudent are o addicted to it o that they neglect theirtudie. And what’ more, ome loe their communication ability becaue theyue microblog all the time and everywhere.


In my opinion, the advantage of microblog are overit diadvantage. Therefore, we hould make good ue of it advantage andavoid it diadvantage a much a poible.


追求一个梦想 puruing a dream


In the picture, there tand a tree full of fruit on one ide of the tream. Acro the tream, a man i trying to reach out on the edge of the band for the fruit with a net attached to a pole. Not far away there i a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit.


The meage conveyed in the picture i clear. In puruing a dream, we might focu on only one ay of making it come true, forgetting that there may be alternative. A indicated in the picture, if the man i willing to look for other poibilitie, he can find a better and more rewarding way to achieve hi goal. All he ha to do i to turn around, cro the bridge and walk to the tree.


I Love Englih 我爱英语

We tart to learn Englih when we enter the primary chool. I think Englih i great. Firt of all, learning Englih we can watch the Englih movie without ubtitle, what’ more, we can undertand the lyric of Englih ong. Second,we can ue Englih to communicate with foreigner, make more friend. We can have a lot of benefit through learning Englih. Thu I love Englih.


My Suggetion about Reviion 关于复习的建议

If one want to do well in an examination, the reviion i one of the mot important factor. After o many year of tudy and examination experience, I ummarize ome ueful review method that hould be helpful to other tudent.


Firtly, lowing down the peed of review appropriately o that you can et aide more time to think about your reviewing plan and make a ummary for the previou tage. Moreover, you can make an adjutment for your review if neceary.Secondly, repeated training i o important that it can help you to better undertand the knowledge of the error-prone. Thirdly, the teacher hould reduce the amount of homework to improve the quality of review. That i o ay, the teacher hould give more time and freedom to tudent. Lat but not the leat, having a good ret alo play a dominant role during the reviewing proce, for ufficient energy i the enurance of efficient reviion.


Perhap each tudent ha their own unique review method which require tudent to ummarize contantly. After all, the bet method i the one that ‘ right for you.
