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2023-07-21 18:57 来源:学河网 点击:


there were three of them. there were four of u, and april lay on the campite and on the river, a miture of dawn at a damp etreme and the un in the leave at cajole. thi wa deer lodge on the pine river in oipee, new hamphire, though the lodge wa naught but a foundation remnant in the earth. brother bentley father, oren, had found thi place ometime after the firt world war, a foreign affair that had eriouly done him no good but he found olitude abounding here. now we were here, pot world war ii, pot korean war, vietnam war on the brink. o much learned, o much yet to learn.

peace then wa everywhere about u, in the riot of young leave, in the pree of bird confuion and chatter, in the truggle of pre-dawn animal for the tart of a new day, a co


oper hawk that had mahed down through tree for a quealing rabbit, yap of a fo at a youngter, a kunk at rooting.

we had pitched camp in the near darkne, ed leblanc, brother bentley, walter ruzkowki, myelf. a dozen or more year we had been here, and een no one. now, into our campite deep in the foret, o deep that at time we had to rebuild ection of narrow road (more a logger path) fluhed out by earlier rain, deep enough where we thought wed again have no traffic, came a growling engine, an old olid body van, a chevy, the kind i had driven for frankie pike and the lobter pound in lynn delivering lobter throughout the merrimack valley. it had pre-ww ii high fender, a faded black paint on a body youd wear had been hammered out of corrugated teel, and an engine that made ound too angry and too early for the tart of day. two elderly men, we uppoed in their eventie, at the front eat; felt hat at the louch and decorated with an aortment of tied flie like a miniature bandoleer of ammunition on the band. they could have been concript for emilano zappata, o loaded their hat and their vet a they climbed out of the truck.

"mornin, been yet?" one of them aid a he pulled hi boot up from the fold at hi knee, the top of them a wide a a big mouth ba coming up from the bottom for a frog itting on a lily pad. hi hand were large, the finger long and i could picture them in a hop barn working a primal plane acro the face of a maple board. cutom-made, old elegance, thoe hand aid.

< 2 >

"barely had coffee," ed leblanc aid, the mot vocal of the four of u, quicket at friendhip, at haking hand. "weve got a whole pot almot. have what you want." the pot wa pointed out itting on a hunk of grill acro the tone of our fire, flame licking lightly at it ide. the pot appeared a if it had been at war, a number of dent carred it, the handle had evidently been replaced, and if not adjuted againt a mall rock it would have fallen over for ure. once, a half-hour on the road heading north, noting it miing, wed gone back to get it. when we fihed the pine river, coffee wa the glue, the morning glue, the late evening glue, even though wed often unearth our beer from a natural cooler in early evening. coffee, camp coffee, ha a ritual. it i thick, it i dark, it i potboiled over a quaw-pine fire, it i h2, it i enough to wake the demon in you, toke lat evening cheee and pepperoni. firt man up make the fire, econd man the coffee; but into that pot ha to go freh egghell to hold the ground down, give coffee a tate of hitory, a ene of place. that mean at leat one egg be cracked open for it hell, uually in the hadow and glimmer of fale dawn. i upect that where "crambled egg" originated, from ome camp like our, ettler ruhing wet, lumberjack hungry, hoboe lobbying for breakfat. o, camp coffee ha made it way into poem, gathering, memorie, a time and thing not letting go, not being manhandled, not being cat aide.

"youre early enough for egg and bacon if you need a tart." eddie added, hi invitation toed kindly into the morning air, hi mile a match for morning un, a man of welcome. "we have hot cake, kulbaa, home frie, if you want." we have the food of king if you really want to know. there were night we at at hi kitchen table at 101 main treet, augu, maachuett planning the trip, planning each meal, planning the campite. ome menu were founded on a cae of beer, a late night, a cure or two on the ride to work when day tarted.

"been there aready," the other man aid, hi weaponry alo noted by u, a little more orderly in it preentation, including an old boy cout ah acro hi chet, the galay of flie in upreme poitioning. they were old yankee, in the face and frame the pair of them undoubtedly brother, taunch, written into early routine, probably had been up at three oclock to get here at thi hour. they were taller than we were, no fat on their frame, wide-houldered, big-handed, barely coming out of their reerve, but fihermen. that fact alone would win any of u over. obviouly, theyd been around, a heft of time already accrued.

< 3 >

then the pounding came, from inide the truck, a if a tire iron wa beating at the ide of the vehicle. it wa not a timid banging, not a minor ignal. bang! bang! it came, and bang! again. and the voice of authority from ome place in pace, ome regal pot in the univere. "im not itting here the livelong day whilt you boy gab away." a toothle mehing came in hi word, like walter brennan at work in the jail in rio bravo or ome uch movie.

"comin, pa," one of them aid, the mot orderly one, the one with the old cout ah riding him like a bandoleer.

they pulled open the back door of the van, wung them wide, to how hi venerable elf, agele, white-bearded, felt hat too loaded with an arenal of flie, itting on a white wicker rocker with a rope holding him to a piece of vertical angle iron, the crude kind that could have been on early ubway or trolley car. acro hi lap he held three delicate fly rod, old a him, thin, bamboo in color, probably too light for a lake three-pounder. but on the pine river, uptream or downtream, under alder choking ome part of the river flow, at a ignificant pool where ide tream merge and phantom trout hang out their eternal promie, mot elegant, fingertip elegant.

"oh, boy," eddie aid at an aide, "there the bo man, and look at thoe tool." admiration leaked from hi voice.

rod were taken from the caring hand, the rope untied, and hi venerable elf, white wicker rocker and all, wa lifted from the truck and et by our campfire. i wa willing to bet that my iter pat, the dealer in antique, would coop up that rocker if given the lightet chance. the old one looked about the campite, noted clothe drying from a previou day rain, order of equipment and upplie aligned the way we alway kept them, the canva of our tent taut and true in it epane, our fihing rod off the ground and placed atop the flyleaf o a not to tempt raccoon with melly cork handle, no garbage in ight. he nodded.

we had paed muter.

"you the one leave it cleaner than you find it ever year. we knowed unthin bout you. never diturbed you afore. but we hare the good pot." he looked cloely at brother bentley, nodded a kind of recognition. "your daddy ever fih here, on?"

< 4 >

brother mut have paed through the year in a hurry, remembering hi father bringing him here a a boy. "a way back," brother aid in hi clipped north augu fahion, outlander, pecific, no wate in hi word. old oren bentley, it had been told u, had walked five mile through the unknown wood off route 16 a a boy and had come acro the campite, the remnant of an old lodge, and a great curve in the pine river o that a mile walk in either direction gave you three mile of tream to fih, uptream or downtream. paradie up north.

hi v

高中英语作文10700字:三个渔民(The Three Fihermen)第2页

enerable elf nodded again, a man of ignal, then aid, "knowed him way back ome. met him at the iron bridge. we paed a few time." intantly we could ee the tory. a whole hitory of encounter wa in hi word; it marched right through u the way knowledge doe, a well a legend. he pointed at the coffeepot. "the boyll be off, but my day down there get cut up ome. ill it a while and take ome of thet." he aid thet too pronounced, too dramatic, and it wa a hort time before i knew why.

the white wicker rocker went into a low and deliberate motion, hi head nodded again. he poke to hi on. "you boy be back no moren two-three hour o thee feller can do their thing too, and keep the place tidied up."

the mot orderly on aid, "ure, pa. two-three hour." the two elderly on left the campite and walked down the path to the bank of the pine river, their boot wihing at thigh line, the mot elegant rod pointing the way through cattered limb, eperience on the move. trout beware, we thought.

"we been carpenter fever," he aid, the clip till in hi word. "thoe boy a mine been ome good at it too." hi head cocked, he eemed to liten for their departure, the leave and branche quiet, the murmur of the tream a tinkling idyllic muic riing up the banking. old venerable himelf moved the wicker rocker forward and back, a mall timing taking place. he wa hearing thing we had not heard yet, the whole ymphony all around u. eddie looked at me and nodded hi own nod. it aid, "im paying attention and i know you are. thi i our one encounter with a man who ha fihed for year the river we love, that we come to twice a year, in may with the mayflie, in june with the black flie." the gift and the courge, wed often remember, having been both carred and ewn by it.

< 5 >

brother wa till at memory, we could tell. ilence we thought wa heavy about u, but there wa o much going on. a bird talked to u from a high limb. a fo called to her young. we were on the pine river once again, nearly a hundred mile from home, in paradie.

"name roger treadwell. boy are nathan and truett." the introduction had been accounted for.

old venerable roger treadwell, carpenter, fly fiherman, rocker, leaned forward and aid, "you boy wouldnt have a couple pare beer, would ya?"

now that the way to tart the day on the pine river.