A letter to my Mom
Dear Mom,
I´m writing thi letter, filled with guilt andanxiety. But I till have to tell you: I´ve run awayfrom home with my boyfriend-Tony. In fact, weclicked traightaway at firt ight. Ilove the tattooon hi body which ha a variety of pattem. Ofcoure, he ha a few girlfriend and we fell outa cmlple oftime about tbi. Thing are gettingbetter thee day, becaue I wa pregnant andhe wore that he would be loyal to me only incethen.
By the way, Tony i lightly older than me(48-year-old man , not too old in the preent o-ciety, righf?). However, we have no money atpreent, o we intend to move to a deert ilandand build a coy cabin in wbich we can leadour own jolly life for the ret of our live. Afterwe have gotten ued to our new life, we plan togrow marijuana to earn money for bi AIDS treat-ment. I pray he can get well oon, Amen!
I hope youjut haven´t fainted till now,Mom. Then you can turn the letter over.
Wbat you have jut read i not tnie. Pleaeforgive me for uing uch an aburd way to let youImow there are many thing in the world which arefar wore than I get grade L111 le than A or at-tending a leep over. I´m till in the bloom of yo-uth and I´m full of energy .I bave paion for dan-cing, port, etc. I´ve yeamed for chooing myown extracurricular activitie for long. However,I can hardly breathe under your tough retriction.And it doen´t make ene to even forbid mebeing in a chool play. An excellent girl do-en´t jut mean good grade. In addition tothi , ucce i not alway about control, it´alo about letting go. Leave me more freepace and I´ll do better, I promie.
Your truly,
Your daughter
May 31th, 2011
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