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2023-08-11 23:37 来源:学河网 点击:








A the proverb ay, “Knowledge i power.” It i an undeniable fact that a large amount of tudent prefer to chooe their own teacher for certain coure. In fact, ome univeritie allow their tudent to do o.

When chooing a teacher, ome factor hould be taken into conideration. On one hand, a learned teacher i preferred. After all, for a tudent, tudying i given full priority. A teacher with plentiful knowledge can eae the burden of tudy for many tudent and provide them with many opportunitie for enlarging their cope of knowledge, while at the ame time realizing their potential. On the other hand, a teacher with a clear and humorou teaching tyle i favorable. To a large extent, whether a lecture i welcomed by the tudent or not i depended on the way of delivering rather than it content. No one can deny that intereting interaction i far more enjoyable than monologue.

There i a good ide and a bad ide to everything, including chooing teacher by tudent. It goe without aying that it can aroue tudent’ interet in tudy to the larget extent. Such phenomena a being abent from clae or paying no attention to the clae may vanih.

Neverthele, it cannot be denied that it can bring ome ide-effect. The management of clae may be in a diorder. Some teacher can be warmly welcomed o the number of the tudent may be too large while other coure may have few participant.

We can conclude that allowing tudent to chooe their own teacher ha both poitive and negative effect. What we mut do i to make ure that the poitive one are encouraged and the negative one are eliminated a far a poible.(来源:恩波教育)


At preent, ome college and univeritie permit their tudent to elect lecturer of ome coure by themelve. After all, ome teacher are very boring and ome required ubject are probably not very practical.

Several fundamental factor are conidered when tudent electing their lecturer. Firt and foremot, a good intructor hould be able to interet and motivate their clae. Student will learn more quickly and thoroughly from a teacher who make the ubject matter come alive for them. What i more, an outtanding tutor hould pend time and energy organizing and preparing the leon.

Good a electing lecturer i, it alo ha it own diadvantage. On the one hand, if tudent can chooe their own curriculum, they can generally do better in ubject that interet them. On the other hand, given the high preure to make good grade, many tudent will miue the opportunity and naturally chooe the eaier ubject rather than the harder one. It i high time that we attached importance to thi iue.(来源:北京新东方 王江涛)