November 11 i Bachelor Day, it i a joke that hopping can make up the loneline on that day, the manufacturer ene the great buine, o they give great dicount on that day, people are attracting by the dicount, they buy a lot of thing on that pecial day. Buot thing are uele.
Today, hopping online bring great dicount, the price of the producany thing online.
Now December 12 i coming oon, the dicount i being preented, it i a great lure that c
utomer cant control themelve. Shopping online hould be rational, we jut buut realize i a wate.
Now, we can get cheaper tuff not only online, we hould control ourelve, we bueaning thing.
暑假Summer can be very hot in outhern Taiwaent.
I pent thi ummer vacation in quite a differene phyical. I wa not at all bored by thi kind of life, for I wa utained by a hope.
The ummer vacation had come round again. e. I did, becaue I lived up to what I had planned.
Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellow. My name i Qing Cheng and Im in my 17 year old. I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle chool, which i one of the bet middle chool in my city. It campu i a beautiful a our. My favorite ubject i math, becaue it a complicated ubject that drive a lot of tudent crazy. But I am a tudenate of you. I hope we can tudy a well a play together.
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