Never get too attached to someone,Because attachments lead to expectations,lead to disapointments.
Love is when nothing is ok and everything is hurting you a lot but you still want the same person over and over again.
I am strong,but it hurts when I make someone my priority and they treat me like an option.
You can meet somebody tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you have known forever.Time means nothing,characeter does.
Sadly,the only way some people will learn to appreciate you is by losing you.
Never beg anyone to be in your life .If you text,call,visit and still get ignored,walk away.Its called self-respect
Truth is like a surgery.It hurts but cures.Lie is like a pain killer.It give instant relief but has side effects forever.
How beautiful it is to find someone who asks for nothing but your company.
It took me a month to stop crying over you,It took me three months to stop wanting to call you,But I think it will take a lifetime to stop missing you.
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