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2023-08-03 15:00 来源:学河网 点击:




Don't imagine what he should be like. What we really fall in love with is often far from what we think we will fall in love with.


I am not bad, nor am I a good person. I just do something I like to do with my temper.


It's not about keeping your partner close to you, it's love, and letting go of your loved ones is also a kind of love.


At the moment when I need you most, you are not there. Lao Tzu wants you to use it. Please go away!


No irreparable pain, no irreversible sinking, all lost, will come back in another way.


Love, until after injury, is always sorry, even if you can not feel me.


Give others a little time to know you, and give yourself a little time to know others, love need not be too hasty.


Sincerity is always valuable. True love is always the most beautiful. Sincerity is worth paying. True love needs no regret. After crying over pain.


Before I knew you, no one believed that I was a person to rely on; it was you who made me believe in myself.


If one day we are not together, we must be like each other.


If time can flow back, whether it can return to the moment of departure, in order not to wander around the horizon alone.


The greatest happiness of life is to find that the one you love is loving you as well.


With you, my happy world can be seen, my happiness never ends.


A clear man knows how to give up, a real person knows how to sacrifice, and a happy person knows how to detach himself.


Your heart can choose to love me or not, but my heart can only choose to love you or love you more.


I really love you, close my eyes, think I can forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive themselves.


Perhaps in this life we will not be able to stay together, but our hearts will always be interlinked. You are my life's favorite and my life's eternal!


Happiness is like the shadow behind you, you can not catch it, but as long as you go forward, it will always follow you.


I miss you not because of my loneliness, but because I feel lonely when I miss you. The reason why I feel lonely is so heavy just because I think too deeply.


The eye is astringent, because the tears are muddy and the love is astringent, because of the persistence of deception.


I have not forgotten the promise we made. Even if I betrayed the agreement, I had no choice.


Think of you can't sleep, think of your heart beating; love you love the ghost heart, love you love the meat straight down!


Like Gu Li's character, she said that no material love is just a plate of sand.


If it blossoms, it will like it; if it falls, give up. I am glad to accompany you on the road because of the scenery, not because of you.


Time will slowly precipitate, some people will gradually dim in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs fulfillment.


To love a girl, it is better to keep her and work hard for her happiness than to abandon her for her happiness.


In my dream, my girlfriend robbed my boyfriend. I cried. When I woke up, I found that I had neither a girlfriend nor a boyfriend.


There are tens of millions of reasons to leave you, but there will always be an excuse to leave behind.


There are many things in life that can not be abandoned, only love can be let alone.


Sometimes, people cry not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long.


There is so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but when you left me, you told me how to laugh at others in the future.


Love is fate, love is touching, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifelong commitment.


My heart is a crooked brook, and it will flow to you in the end.


Now I find that I am just a convenience sticker and can be abandoned at any time.


You sacrifice a little bit of your feelings, but bring great comfort to the people around you.


Such a habit is also a sweet burden, miss you has become an indispensable habit in my life.


If falling in love with you is a mistake, I believe it will be the most beautiful mistake in life, I would rather miss my whole life.


Love should be swallowed by the pledge of love. Only a single-minded and unswerving love is true love.


The angel's wings are broken and fall to the world, becoming our sorrow; the honesty is thrown away by the bag and scattered into the world, becoming Satan's magic wand.


You are what I can't guess, I am at a loss.


You are everything when you are here; everything is you when you are away. My love is eternal.


Setbacks will come, they will pass away, tears will flow down, and they will be put away. Nothing can discourage you.


Accustomed to weakness, the heart will gradually weaken, accustomed to dependence, will gradually forget how to rely on themselves.


In love, there is always a protagonist and a supporting role, tired is always the protagonist, injured is always the supporting role.


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


When you can't have it again, the only thing you can do is not to remember.


The sea is not dry, the stone is not rotten, my lover, as long as you are happy, I will change with them.


If you love me, I will accompany you; if you do not love me, I will give you freedom. This is the silly me, the one who cares about you.


Don't be easy to others, because it will only make others feel that your good is cheap.


I like you to buy what I love, remember what I forget and think about what I want.


I want to be the first person to wake you up in the morning and be the last person to watch you fall asleep at night.


The day we meet with you is the starting point of our whole life. It is my whole life's happiness to love you.


It may take only a second to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.


I put aside my dignity, put aside my personality and put down my stubbornness just because I couldn't put you down.


As lazy as I am, I will speak to you everyday, so I can see how much I love you.


Already accustomed to, every night before going to bed with a cell phone to turn out your photos, silently thinking of you to sleep.


People often only care about whether others care about you, but often ignore whether you care about others.


Suddenly I want to say sorry to myself, I am sorry, I can never find my original self again.


Only when you are drunk can you know who you love the most and know who loves you best when you are sick.